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企業名稱 英屬開曼群島商柏駿創新科技股份有限公司 統一編號 90671009
聯絡人姓名 許冰瑩 聯絡人Email being0711@gmail.com
性別 部門 HR
職稱 連絡電話 02-89272174

職缺名稱 Developer 軟體工程師 (online video interview) 工作性質 全職
工作日期 ~ 工作時段 09:00 ~ 18:00
每周工作天數 5 職務類別 管理與財經 / 金融專業 / 金融研究員
職務內容 Introduction: Our team deals with data analytics and visualization, multiple projects running involving risk analytics, risk monitoring and quantitative research. Major languages in use are C#, JavaScript/TypeScript and Python. The development work covers end-to-end process, database schema design, API design and front-end UI/UX design. We also follow DevOps practices, build, test and deploy by ourselves. By using the Git branching model, pull requests and CI/CD tools, we enforce peer reviews and automated tests to ensure code quality Good to Have • Already familiar with our major languages C#, JavaScript and Python, able to code solutions end-to-end • Already Familiar with SQL/NoSQL databases, .NET Core, React, Redux, FastAPI and Anaconda, RESTful API and gRPC • Already familiar with CI/CD setup, AWS/GCP, CDK/Terraform, Kubernetes, Docker, Linux Bash and Windows Cmd • Good mathematics and statistic knowledge (understand concepts like matrix and related operations, correlation, standard deviation, etc.) Not Required: • Financial background is not mandatory, every fund works different, financial concepts here should be easy to understand, we don't expect you to come from other hedge funds or investment banks Requirements: • More than 1 year experience in front-end or back-end development or both, using languages similar to C#/Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python/R • Willing to step out of comfort zone and learn. You will be exposed to mathematical and statistical concepts which require you to understand to implement user requirements; Multiple programming languages, frameworks could be used in a single project to provide an optimal solution • You don't have to be an expert on all fronts, only front-end or back-end is fine, but you need to be comfortable working any front, we expect developers to grow with the team and able to cover solutions end-to-end • Our team members have different backgrounds, daily communication is done in English. We expect you able to read and write in English, limited speaking capacity is acceptable
工作地點 台北市信義區松智路1號 或 在家工作
薪水類型 面議 提供膳宿
勞保 健保

工作經驗 Requirements: • More than 1 year experience in front-end or back-end development or both, using languages similar to C#/Java, JavaScript/TypeScript, Python/R • Willing to step out of comfort zone and learn. You will be exposed to mathematical and statistical concepts which require you to understand to implement user requirements; Multiple programming languages, frameworks could be used in a single project to provide an optimal solution • You don't have to be an expert on all fronts, only front-end or back-end is fine, but you need to be comfortable working any front, we expect developers to grow with the team and able to cover solutions end-to-end • Our team members have different backgrounds, daily communication is done in English. We expect you able to read and write in English, limited speaking capacity is acceptable
聽: 中等
說: 中等
讀: 中等
寫: 中等


公告區間 2022/05/01 ~ 2022/12/31 需求人數 5
接受身分別 應徵方式
  • E-Mail
備註 104應徵亦可 https://www.104.com.tw/job/7l3b5?jobsource=hotjob_chr